Amhara forces continue to abuse innocents in southern Tigrai, federal government should interfere, says Tigrai Communication Bureau

Washington Dc, March 21, 2023(TMH) –Tigrai Communication Bureau calls upon the federal government to interfere and stop ongoing abuses that are being carried out by Amhara forces.

In a statement earlier today, the bureau said the federal government should pay much attention to the wide and incessant atrocities on Tigrayans in southern Tigrai which it said are meant “to sabotage the well going peace process.”

The bureau also stated, the peaceful demonstration conducted on Sunday, 19th of March in the town of Alamata, that it said was organized by Amhara regional administration, is utterly unacceptable.

“Loading people from different areas in the Amhara region especially from the districts of Guba-Laftio, Woldiya and Raya Kobo, unacceptable demonstration was carried out in Alamata on yesterday 19th March, 2023” statement added.

The bureau also noted ‘genocide’ is being carried out in Western and Northwestern Tigrai while calling upon the Ethiopian government to undertake its constitutional responsibility and ensure the safety and security of the people of Tigrai withdrawing Amhara’s forces from the region.

The statement has also called on the African Union and the international community to exert meaningful action for crimes being committed by Eritrean and Amhara’s forces to stop.

According to the agreement, all non-ENDF forces should withdraw simultaneously with the disarmament of heavy weapons by Tigrai Defense Forces.

It is to be recalled that the Tigrayan Forces have gave up their heavy weaponries in January of this year in a garrison near Agulae, Eastern Tigrai.

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